The Stream to use.
The size of the buffer, this also determines the max size of each chunk.
[Non-static allocators only] The allocator instance to use.
import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks : StatsCollector, Options; import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator; import std.algorithm : all; import : MemoryStreamGC; alias Alloc = StatsCollector!(Mallocator, Options.all, Options.all); auto alloc = new Alloc(); auto stream = new MemoryStreamGC(); foreach(i; 0..129) stream.write([cast(ubyte)i]); stream.position = 0; assert(stream.byChunkAlloc!(Alloc*)(4, alloc).all!(arr => arr.length > 0)); assert(alloc.bytesUsed == 0); // TODO: Test with more complex range chains, including holding the resulting range in a variable and doing stuff with it manually. // If that all passes with 0 bytes used in the end, and 0 crashes, then it should all be good :)
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator; import std.algorithm : all; import : MemoryStreamGC; auto stream = new MemoryStreamGC(); foreach(i; 0..129) stream.write([cast(ubyte)i]); stream.position = 0; assert(stream.byChunkAlloc!Mallocator(4).all!(arr => arr.length > 0));
Allows access to a stream's data as an input range, chunk-by-chunk.
The resulting range is only empty once the stream has no more data to read.
Notes: The stream's current position will be used.
No part of this function or the resulting range uses GC memory. GC memory is only used if Alloc uses the GC, and/or if the given stream uses the GC.
The resulting range uses std.typecons.RefCounted for it's internal buffer, so copying the range has a small overhead.